To All Our Blog Readers:
Please let us know if you have ANY questions in regards to Joaquin, Down syndrome, the Institutes program we are on, or anything related to our journey. We would be HAPPY to answer questions and help increase awareness and understanding of DS.
The Sanchez Family
I'm loving Down syndrome awareness month! I wish I had these blog connections one year ago when we found out about Justin. It would have helped so much! Darling pictures!!
Super cute photos! Where were these taken?
We took these photos today at Mateo's Pumpkin Patch field trip :)!
What a little cutie and super cute pics of his older brothers...Your boys are just darling! I am also loving this Down syndrome awareness month! Keeping up with all the daily reading and seeing that so many others share the common things we are all going through...like Excema...my daughter has gotten this since she was a baby during the winter months...we use a hydrocortizine cream and aquaphor too, but loved reading all the advice you got...may be trying other things very soon.
Those photos are priceless. And as this is, indeed, Down Syndrome Awareness Month, thought I’d pass along an easy way to help raise awareness: check out this short video -- http://www.ahamoment.com/vote/barry -- about the aha moment of father of a child with Down Syndrome who learned what you can do with challenges. If you like his story, click to vote for him, as the top vote getters in the contest will be aha moment TV commercials next year. More media exposure around Down Syndrome awareness would be a very good thing, so spread the word if you can.
What a great family!
Life with a child who has Down syndrome is the best.
6 months after Josh was born with Down syndrome, I attended my first parent group. I was touched by the struggle people were having with “why?” I went to bed with a heavy heart and awoke with this story. I hope you enjoy it.
He is absolutely adorable!!!!!
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