How is it that my baby boy is 2 today?
What an amazing two years it has been. I love this little boy so much it hurts.
Happy Birthday Joaquin! We adore you.
On February 2nd at 4:59 AM, our third beautiful son Joaquin Andres Sanchez was born. On May 2nd at 4:59 PM, his three month birthday, we learned that Joaquin's cells have the presence of an additional third chromosome 21 or "Trisomy 21" also known as Down syndrome. Join us on our journey as we discover that three is definitely a charm.
Happy birthday Joaquin! Hope you got spoilt rotten :)
oh wow! 2 years old already! i remember finding your blog when kai was born 18 months ago... it feels like just yesterday that i 'met' your family!
how time flies!
happy birthday little man, you make many people happy - the world over... ;)
Happy 2nd Birthday Joaquin:) What a cutie-patootie!! Another year of adventure and discovery awaits you!
We love him, too :-) Thanks for letting us celebrate with you. Happy 2!
Happy Happy Birthday Joaquin! I can't believe he is 2 already. I wish I could give him a big birthday hug! Madi sends her love too! :)
happy happy birthday, joaquin!!!!! :)
Happy birthday joaquin!
Happy 2nd! From the Cambridge Family.
happy 2nd birthday! what a cute picture!
Happy TWO big boy!
Happy birthday, Joaquin!
Happy Birthday Joaquin!! Another exciting year lays ahead of you with so much to learn and do. Happy 2!!!
Love that little guy! Happy birthday, Big Boy Joaquin!
What a doll! I think I want to arrange my Kendall and Joaquin's marriage :)
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