Nike's hugely successful ad campaign has been telling us for quite some time now to just do "it".
It's about time the DS community came back with our own slogan. Our own ad campaign.
On our recent trip to Seattle, Joaquin was just learning to pull himself up to stand and he was SO proud of himself. All of us were hanging out and watching him try out his new skill when all of a sudden he starting laughing, cracking himself up and clear as day shouted "i did it"! (Hector added some appropriate music to the video clip of Joaquin's new words and he added a bit of crawling footage from earlier today for fun!)
I didn't believe it. I thought I was hearing things but then he said it again. And again. And again. Until we were all cracking up with him, half in disbelief and half in awe. Here he was, accomplishing another milestone and telling us how proud he was. "i did it".
He did "it".
And so did Avery.
And so did Bridget.
And so did Finn.
Nate did "it" too!
And there are hundreds more doing "it" every day.
Three simple words that mean so much. Accomplishments that are celebrated and cherished. All the simple little things and the big things too. First smiles, first steps, first words. Things we used to take for granted and never will again.
I took this small little phrase that means something so big and made a limited quantity of infant and toddler tees with the slogan on it.

My hope is to sell these tees for $21 each (in honor of Trisomy 21) and for every tee purchased I will buy a copy of the new book "Gifts 2", sign it with the name and/or blog of the child who the tee was purchased for on the inside cover (optional) and donate it to a local hospital, genetic counselor's office or pediatrician's office here in Sacramento. If I sell out quickly and there is a lot of interest, I will have more tees made and expand the effort. I have wanted to give back in some small way and I thought this might be a fun way to do it. We need to spread the word that our children are amazing! They can do "it". Maybe this really could be our new slogan. Our new ad campaign.
If you are interested in purchasing a tee, I have them in 3 different sizes (6/12 mo, 12/18 mo and 18/24 mo). Shipping is on me! You can order a tee by using the comments section here on this post just leave your email address and t shirt size and we'll work out the details. Or you can also order on my online business site Addy & Sam as soon as we get it up on the site.
Let's do "it".
Oh, Jennifer, what a wonderful idea! I want one! Let's see . . . Finn is 18ish pounds now, so do you think 6 - 12 months would be better, or 12 - 18 months? Email me!
Jen, that's an awesome idea. I hadn't posted it yet, but John MIchael started saying something that sounds like "I did it". His therapists had to point it out to me! We'd love to do this -- I love the book donation idea. JM is 18/24 chunky monkey. Awesome!
Jennifer, that is awesome! Please make sure you let us know when it will be on your other site so I can order one!
Oh I am sooo in, I love it! And way to go Joaquin for the inspirational phrase!!
We will purchase an 18/24 email is
What a fantastic idea!!
Super idea!! Ruby needs a size 6-12
This is such a great idea. I love that you are giving's started me thinking about what I can do. I would love an 18-24mon for my chubby man. Way to go Joaquin!
Oh yes, we're in. 18-24 months.
I love the positive, can-do approach. Our kids are able to do so many things...and while some people are surprised by it, we know better :)!
I'll be linking here if that's okay!
Awesome! And WAY TO GO, Joaquin!!!
We are SO in as well!! Size 12-18 months for Mr. Dylan.
Great idea!!! : )
Way to go, Joaquin! What a fabulous idea, Jennifer! I love the design and concept, let me know if you decide to make kid size shirts.
I love this idea! Way to go Joaquin!! You did it! Matthew is going to be 2 in October. Any chance you might get a 2T? Or maybe 18/24m might fit. He's about 23-24 lbs now. Please email me via the contact form on my blog.
Great idea! I'd love one. M is about 24 lbs and just now getting into her 18m clothes, so perhaps a 12-18 would work? If you think an 18-24 would be better, I'll go that route.
I love it, Jennifer! I'd love a T, but we're getting close to fall here (and it will only be worse when we move in a month to slightly cooler MN). Any chance you could do a 18-24 in a long-sleeve?
So sad we had to miss Sacramento. Are you going to head to Orlando next year? We're going to do everything in our power to get there.
New email: jenniemsu at gmail dot com
Awesome post!
Sheridan is in! 12-18 months size!
What a great idea. Count me in. Size 12-18 mo.
ds.mama at yahoo dot com
that was awesome and I am LOVING your idea. We want one in a 12-18! it OK if I share this with my Down syndrome group here in Fairfield???
What a fantastic idea!!! I just love it!!
Please feel free anyone to share this link with your friends, family members, DS groups, etc!! Anyone know someone at Nike Corporation?!?!? They need to pick this up and run a national ad campaign :)!!!
Oh, those are so neat! Do you think you will be doing larger tees? Our kids keep accomplishing great stuff way past the toddler age!
Wow, such a great and wonderful idea and so cute too!
soo cute!!! way to go Joaquin!
what a great idea, my max first concurred nursing, then holding his head up on his own, and rolling.... the next big one is sitting, i would love to see him in a 6-12 that says "i did it" when that happens!! our blog and my email i look forward to hearing from you:)
I have an 11-year-old who -- after taking 20 sessions of Level I lessons -- learned to swim this summer.
Have you thought about making the shirts in larger sizes?
Fantastic idea! Thanks for helping to spread the word that yes - our kids can do it! (And so can we as parents.)
Wonderful idea!! Can I get one for Bennett? He won't fit in it for a while but maybe 6-12 month size?? He hasn't done much yet but I have no doubt that he will soon!
My Luke is about 2 weeks older than your wee guy- and they sound like they get up to very similar tricks :)Love the tshirt. Do you post to NZ?!
HI would love an "I did it" shirt
in 12-18. My email is
Kelly-friend of Finn :)
Let me know where to send a check :)
sounds like you're going to need to make more shirts... if you've got any left in 18-24, archer will take one.
let me know where to send a check/paypal you...
jonashpdx at
I would like one -- the 24 month size, please.
mamaomblog at gmail dot com
I would love to purchase a shirt for my son Braeden! I love what your doing and would love to support your efforts! We would need a 18-24 months, unless you end up making more, than a 2T would be great! Thanks so much!!!
We gotta have a T-shirt for baby Leah! She's 7 months old, but quite chubby, so I need a 12/18 month size. Do you have any pink ones??!!
I LOVE this idea! so clever! If you decide to buy more, and get them in a 2T or 24 month-let me know! I'm afraid an 18-24 mo would be too small for Nate but we'd sure love to have one!
Don't stop at those sizes! We need to send one to Jennifer Graf Groneberg's son for the bridge crossing (and how I ended up here today).
I am also ANXIOUS to get a copy of Gifts to everyone in sight remotely connected to DS.
Benji (one year old on 8/29) is chewing and makes me so proud every day.
I am more bummed about missing Sacramento due to unavoidable commitments but I am planning to go visit my BFF in Placerville soon. We are part of the LA area South Bay DS support group.
I will find you and connect on a less public forum.
shoot, I didnt allow emails that time.
And I WANT ONE for ME too. or one that says, And I helped or something like that.
BTW, your clothes on that website are beautiful. WOW, there is some really unique stuff that looks so neat.
Me again, I would like to order a t-shirt. Here's my e-mail,
My name is Stephanie. Thanks
Jen...can you send me an email? I'd like to order one...
I love it...way to go Joaquin!!! We definitely need one for Miss Madi. We'll do a 6-12 month for now.
I'm SOLD OUT!!!!! Thanks to everyone who supported me in purchasing these tees and in turn the books that will go out to the community as soon as it is released. I PROMISE to make more just as soon as I can swing it! I will let you all know!!!
Hi Jennifer,
No problem, I can't wait... she's not growing too fast ;-)
Though she does scream "I did it" a lot which is pretty funny since she doesn't yet really understand what it means.
I can prepay if that helps with the upfront outlay... just email me and let me know.
Natalie and I would definitely like one for Mia when you get a chance to make more. I love your idea about donating the "Gifts 2" book.
Email me at or let us know on Facebook. It was great meeting your family at the NDSC conference.
Keep on having fun with your family and look forward to seeing Joaquin grow up...
Mia's Dad
what a great idea! I have a little 2 yr old with an extra chromosome that would just LOVE one of your shirts... but AWWWWW no size big enough for him.. if you make a 3T/4T let me know I would love to have one!!
Addie wants one! Love, love, love the video and we definitely need one! I am guessing 12-18 months for Addie...She is about 22 could go either way...12-18 or 18-24...
just found your blog and shirt - awesome idea! Love one for Parker, 6-12m, he is only 12 weeks, but I know he will "do" many things! Be blessed!
you do make bigger ones. I'd love to get my E man one.
I love it! I would like to order one for my son, Matthew, in a size 12/18 months. Thank you so much. My e-mail is
I would love to order a shirt for my son, Matthew, in size 12/18...thank you so much. My e-mail address is
This is such a fantastic idea and such a lovely way to appreciate what our little ones achievements. I would LOVE to order a tee for my daughter if its still available/possible. I know I am at the other end of the world, but wouldn't it be great to see your t-shirts spread all over the world. I would be willing to pay for the postage as I am sure it would cost a bit more.
I can be contacted at
I would need a 6-12 month size
looking forward to hearing from you :)
MILO needs a shirt too. He is just beginning to stand as well. DOB 1-11-08 :-) I HEART MILO has about 430 members on facebook :-)
please set aside a 18-24 shirt. My email is
I love this idea! I would love to get a shirt for my son Joel - he would need size 18-24 months. My e-mail address is
I just ordered another batch of 20 tees :)!!!! YEAH!!!
I would love one for Cody,I think 6-12 mts would be good. My e-mail is
Oh I was so excited when I found out that you ordered more! I would love one for my son, probably the 6-12mth would work. My email is or you can contact me through my blog. Thank you so much for the work you do!
I've seen your t-shirt on several of the blogs now and am very excited to buy a tee for my son Colin! I love the idea and I would love to be able to help! I would love the 6/12 month shirt please!
I would like one for Anna! 6-12 month please! I love this!
OK Jennifer...I haven't heard about your other web site yet. So, I'd like to order two 18-24 month tees please :) Email me with information!
I LOVE this t-shirt and what you are doing! I would like to order one in a size 18-24 mths for my son Devon. My e-mail is Thanks!
Max just 'did it'. Home from open heart surgery in 6 days. I'd love to buy one in a 6/12 or 12/18 month size if you still have them available :)
What an amazing thing you have created here! Kayla says "I did it!" all the time LOL Are you considering it getting so made up for bigger sizes?!
What a fabulous idea! I love it! We definitely need one for our Matthew, who is 2 years old today! He will need the 24-mo size. email me at! Thank you!
This is such a great idea. I would love one for my son. He is about 24 lbs, so I'm not sure if I need a 12-18 mo or an 18-24 mo. My e-mail is
I love this shirt, great idea. My Libby is 17 months old. I would like to order a size 18/24 months. Thank you for implementing this great idea, I love the donation of the book.
I absolutely LOVE this idea. I would like a shirt for my nephew Santino who is a year old. I think we need tie 12-18 month size.
He is simply amazing and a true blessing in our family. We are SO lucky to have him!!!
Please let me know what you need me to do next. And thank you for this wonderful idea!!
Best, Lin Campanella
Are you planing on making bigger sizes (my kids are 1,6 8, and 11)
Are you planing on making bigger sizes (my kids are 1,6 8, and 11)
Do you still have a 18/24 mo T-Shirt? I would love to have one for Joshua! He did so many firsts
after he turnt 1 Year in June :-)
Showing me he is not a little baby anymore ;-)
Could you send it to Germany?
I think this is a wonderful idea! My grandson is 22 months old and is just starting to take some steps. We would like a 18/24 month size.
My email is
Thanks! Lisa Marshall
My son just had his AV canal repair 2 weeks ago. He's had lots of complications the past 3 months, but we are expecting to be discharged this week! I would love an "I Did It" 6/12 mo. I live in the Cincinnati area. My blog is Let me know how to get you the $. thanks, Michelle
I think it's a wonderful idea but I have been trying for weeks to find out how to order one and I'm getting no where. Any suggestions?
I would love to get one for my son. Please email me at so I can pass along my cc info to you. My little man would need a 12mo.
Thank you for such a wonderful are truly inspiring!
Me me me! My Jack needs one too.
I'd be curious as to your bigger sizes or a 18/24 month will do just fine. Yay!
We've been waiting for so long to post this comment, but Beau needs one!! Do you have any 12/18 ones left? My email is
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